“I learned that fear can be overcome by slowly dealing with it in small steady increments.”
Has trauma affected your life or the life of a loved one?
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) can help individuals, couples, and families to work through the pain of traumatic life experiences. EAP can help clients to find more internal resources than they knew they had, strengthen coping skills, practice asking for and receiving help, and begin to regain a sense of control.
Most of the exchange between horse and human is nonverbal, which is especially potent for individuals who have experienced traumatic events that they are not able to (or choose not to) express in words. For many clients, developing a relationship with a horse is the first step in re-developing positive relationships with friends and loved ones.
Responses to traumatic experiences vary depending on the individual and the situation. Two people in the same car accident will experience the potentially traumatic effects of that accident differently. Examples of potentially traumatic events include military combat, witnessing or being the victim of crime or abuse, enduring a natural disaster, and losing a loved one.
Contact us to set up your first session.
Not sure if you are experiencing PTSD or Trauma? Read on to learn common symptoms.
No horse experience necessary.
“[I learned...] how quickly I let my anxiety and fear of emotions send me into ‘shut down’ mode.”
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a specific disorder identified by the American Psychiatric Association.
Symptoms Include:
Persistent re-experiencing of the traumatic event
Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness
Persistent symptoms of increased arousal
Symptoms are persistent for at least 1 month
Many people are suffering with the after effects of traumatic events but do not meet the criterion for PTSD.
Symptoms include:
Irritability/anger Issues
Changes in sleep patterns/insomnia/excessive tiredness
Changes in appetite
Disengagement from social activities
Tension in personal relationships
Children may exhibit agitated or unusual behavior